Nightshift by Andrea Mowry

Nightshift by Andrea Mowry knit in Noro yarn

Nightshift Shawl (Andrea Mowry’s Website):

Yarn Used: Noro Geshi

Colorways: #24 (Kofu), #25 (Shizuoka)

I started the Nightshift by Andrea Mowry after catching an episode of the Knits n Pieces video podcast on YouTube. If you’ve never seen an episode of theirs, I highly suggest you check it out following the YouTube link here.

So I set out trying to figure out how I could get similar yarn without making it super expensive. My answer came in the form of the website LoveCrafts, where they had Noro Geshi on sale. So I picked up two skeins and started working on the shawl.

I really enjoyed the process of knitting the shawl. The slipping of stitches made getting a colorful shawl a super easy process. The pattern took me quite a bit to actually finish. I have been working on two items at a time (so that I actually finish them!), and this one hung around for longer than I would have liked.

I was pleased with using the yarn because I knew precisely when the shawl was done – when I had no more left. It doesn’t get any more simple than that. So I worked and worked until I only had enough left for a bind-off row. When that finally happened, I started binding off. Halfway through the process, I started stressing out about the amount of yarn I had left.

“Why?” do you ask? The Nightshift by Andrea Mowry incorporates an i-cord bind-off. This is great and awesome… unless you’ve never ever done one and probably underestimated how much yarn you needed. When all was said and done, I cut it pretty close with the game of yarn chicken, less than four inches close.

I was 100% ready to find another matching skein of Noro-something in my stash to bind off the last inch or two, but it didn’t come to that. I was thankful, but I am pretty sure I’ll leave a little bit extra from now on. You know, just in case.

The pictures on this article were selfies, taken when it was lightly raining outside. It’s not a great combination, but I figured it was at least a great test for the shawl. It keeps you nice and warm!

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